Best way for health and longevity is living in line with laws of nature. Cutting down the risk of cancer being no exception. Scientifically verified. As this brief and scientifically verified elaboration demonstrates. Read on to learn about details. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND As you have learned already from our previous medical publications and seminars: According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), in our industrialized world (with U.S. on top)
Despite of the fact that medical spending in the U.S. is $10,000 per capita annually. The cause/s behind? E.g., lack of health diet. Not only. According to the American Cancer Society, there are at least 3 COUNTERPRODUCTIVE LIFESTYLES WITH NATURE’S ANSWERS – |
As a leading documentation and information center New Medical Frontiers, Inc. receives a lot of questions daily. Learn about the answers in this blog "Ask The Natural Online Doctor".
Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories