There are different reasons for dark coloring of skin underneath the eyes, including some kind of inflammation. Fortunately, nature offers us at least halve a dozen of remedies and modalities of balancing out. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND Dark circles are no kind of debilitating disease but an inconvenient ('ugly’) appearance. Depending on the natural structure of the skin and bones of the personal face. According to, inter alia, Chung-Ang University College of Medicine in Korea’s capital Seoul. Like - more pigments in the skin - deep tear throughs producing a shadow or - structure of the skin to be seen in terms of bones and muscles due to thinner skin, Another reason could be more or wider blood vessels under the skin. Not to overlook features such as, inter alia, - allergies - eyestrain - eczema - certain medications - fatigue Right, this is not dramatic but still comes with the question if we can make it un- or at least less visible. With help of |
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