Psoriasis is definitely one of the most debilitating health issues of our time. With reference to many complications we are well advised to understand in relation to health and longevity. Read on to learn about details. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHINDPsoriasis is by far not only a debilitating autoimmune inflammatory health issue by itself, related to our skin. But it comes with many physical and mental COMPLICATIONS – SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIED like ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease. According to research at the University of Brenscia-Spedali Civili in Brescia, Italy. As well as
Based on research in Poland at, inter alia, - University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn as well as the - Medical University of Lublin in Lublin Another potential complication may well be the neurodegenerative disorder of
With impact on the brain. Potentially causing physically tremors and balancing problems, and mentally dementia and depression. According to research at, inter alia, Sichuan University in Sichuan, China.
Psoriasis may generally increase risk of cancer. With special reference to - pancreatic - oral - liver & - esophageal cancer. With special reference to pharmaceuticals. As based on research at, inter alia, the University of Manchester in Manchester, UK.
This can specifically happen in cases of psoriasis at the age between 30 and 50. According to the U.S. National Psoriasis Foundation. With reference to certain dermatological symptoms such as, inter alia - pain/stiffness in one joint or more - pain/swelling over tendons - swollen toes/fingers - pitted nails (looking like nail fungus) - eye inflammation type uveitis - reduced mobility - fatigue
I.e., lesions in cheeks and gums may occur, as well as fissures in the tongue may well occur in cases of psoriasis. Caused, e.g., by stress or alcohol. Similar to celiac disease (see above) also in this case of mouth problems, scientific verification comes from Poland at - Medical University of Lublin in Lublin & - University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn
This is in strong relation to psoriasis. The more psoriasis is given, the higher the risk of kidney disease. Strongly related also to vascular problems. Verified by research in China at, inter alia, - Chongqing Medical University in Chongqing & - The First Affiliated Hospital of Chongqing Medical University in Chongqing
Psoriatic patients are also close to metabolic syndrome which means relationship to - heart problems - fatty liver disease - obesity and - diabetes According to research in Poland again, at - Medical University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Finally not to overlook
like conjunctivitis and dry eye – in relation to psoriasis. As scientifically verified in India at the - Hi-Tech Dental College and Hospital in Odisha & - BRS Dental College in Haryana IN A NUTSHELL |
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