Weight management means knowing about your body, your health and only then about your weight. Putting on weight means…
Risk for your heart health
Risk to develop diabetes
Risk for your joints
And risk for many more things that should not happen to your body
Note: There is no “one size fits all”: Monitor your health & find out about your personal ideal weight.
There are reasons to put on weight: → Cravings that mostly derive from childhood. →Stress – time shortage that seem to hinders you to live healthy, cravings that seem to help with exhaustion, frustration, anxiety and depression. And there are “natural” circumstances that let you put on weight: Child Birth, Menopause, and others.
You need an action plan.
Aim at your health not your weight!
Detoxify your body
Get rid of extra pounds
Plan your meals – – for at least 3 meals and 2 snacks – Fortify your food with herbs – Substitute sugar & fat
Reduce calorie intact
Walk at lest 10,000 steps a day
Maintenance your weight
Make sure your body gets all nutrients that are needed
→ Herbs may assist with weight management What herbs can do…
help you loose weight
decrease appetite
boost metabolic system
help with digestion
can keep blood sugar level in balance
support intake of nutrients
detoxify your body
help with cravings
Try our NEC (No Empty Calorie) Diet
Know exactly what you eat
Do not put a calorie into your body that does not have any nutrients
Plan ahead
Never be hungry
It’s easy, you just have to keep a diary and do some planing. Let us help us. Contact Dr. Angela Fritz for more information. To a healthier YOU!