While we are used to the term ‘chronic’ illness as an indispensable part of our ‘modern’ life, nature teaches us better. Again and again. Alzheimer’s being just one example. Read on… Wyatt King from Pullman, WA, asks: While both of my parents are suffering from Alzheimer’s, I heard that nature may have an answer for this debilitating disease. Is there any rationality behind, Doc? HISTORIC BACKGROUND Dr. Fritz: Alzheimer’s is in fact a quite ‘historic’ ailment, going back to German doctor (psychiatrist) Dr. Alois Alzheimer (1864 – 1915) who had diagnosed this form of dementia with his patient Auguste Deter – more than a century ago (1906). Since then, no solution has been found by conventional medicine yet, leading to a vicious cycle for those affected. This may finally change now when we look more closely into nature’s infinite portfolio of health. CONTEMPORARY SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION |
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Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories