You learned already previously from us about certain natural (and scientifically verified) remedies and modalities to relieve migraine symptoms. Now we added up this beneficial natural list for your health and longevity. Read on to learn about details.
Stomach pain is one of the most debilitating health issues of our seemingly ‘progressive’ time. Fortunate yet, nature can answer with powerful lifestyle adjustments. Read on to learn more about.
Like the taste of hibiscus tea? How good for you, as there is even more involved with this wild flower – when it comes to your health and longevity. With special reference to ‘modern’ health issues. Scientifically verified. Read on to learn about details. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHINDAs you know from our previous publications and seminars, also flowers are part of nutrition our body and mind need for health and longevity. With reference to certain nutrients – and health issues – respectively. Just as it is with hibiscus – to pick one of those flowers. A red-colored flowering plant with sweet taste similar to cranberries. And to be found in warmer climates. Available in 2 forms - hibiscus sabdariffa and hibiscus rosasinensis – this tasty flower is free of calories and caffeine, but comes with beneficial compounds of certain vitamins and minerals, as well as antioxidants, etc. To be more precise about… NATURAL HIBISCUS BENEFITS – SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIED with special reference to up-to-date health issues of special relevance. Like…
Managing, inter alia, systolic and diastolic high blood pressure. As based on comprehensive research in Iran at, inter alia, - Islamic Azad University in the capital of Tehran - Lorestan University of Medical Sciences in Khorramabad - Bushehr University of Medical Sciences in Bushehr - Isfahaon University of Medical Sciences in Isfahan
Hibiscus tea may help cutting down weight. According to research in Spain at, inter alia, the UCAM Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia in Murcia
By reducing blood sugar (fasting glucose levels). I.e. the type of blood sugar if the diabetic has not consumed any food overnight. Based on research at, inter alia, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka in Mihintale, Sri Lanka. According to same research evidence has arisen that hibiscus tea also is
Not to overlook another benefit of hibiscus tea
as a type of hormone balance. Based on research at, inter alia, the University of Illinois in Chicago, IL IN A NUTSHELL Like the taste of hibiscus tea? How good for you, as there is even more involved with this wild flower – when it comes to your health and longevity. With special reference to ‘modern’ health issues. Scientifically verified.
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Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories