High blood pressure (hypertension), affecting one out of 3 U.S. adults and leading to additional severe health issues, is not an ‘Act of God’. Instead, this seemingly ‘chronic’ ailment can be managed successfully with natural foods, as you will learn in this blog. Just read on... THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND Penelope Masters from Seattle, WA, asks: Heading from one prescription to the next for high blood pressure, without any solution, I wonder if this is our nature’s philosophy? Dr. Fritz: One third of the U.S. adult population is ravaged by high blood pressure – with severe health consequences associated. Such as, inter alia, heart failure, stroke, and liver disease. Yes, somehow a vicious cycle. However, high blood pressure (‘hypertension’) is not an ‘Act of God’. Rather, it is man-made, the result of unhealthy lifestyle factors. Fortunately, this phenomenon can be corrected by adjusting your lifestyle factors in line with nature. Healthy diet playing a major role in this context. Even in the short run. FOODS TO CORRECT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE – SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED Bananas According to the American Heart Association (AHA), bananas are very important for reducing high blood pressure because of its high content of the mineral potassium, supporting blood vessels and also relieving the biologic burden of salt. Just like other potassium containing foods such as, inter alia,
With recommended daily dosage of 4,700 milligrams of potassium. Berries Especially blue- and strawberries are favorable to reduce blood pressure because of their flavonoid type anthocyanins. Leading up to 8% lower blood pressure, if consumed regularly e.g. after meals or added to oatmeal and smoothies. Based on research at, inter alia, Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, and Brigham & Women’s Hospital – all located in Boston, Massachusetts. Scientifically validated also at the University of East Anglia in Norwich, UK. A daily serving of 3 Kiwis containing some 500 mg Vitamin C is another healthful natural way for reducing high blood pressure (both – systolic and diastolic). According to research at, inter alia, Oslo University Hospital in Norway’s capital Oslo. Pomgranates Also drinking one cup of pomegranate daily reduces blood pressure because of its inherent antioxidants. Based on research at Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield, UK. Another highly potent fruit to reduce high blood pressure is Watermelons Because of its amino acid citrulline to produce the gas nitric oxide in the body which reduces plaque in artery walls, increasing their flexibility and relaxation of blood vessels, accordingly. Even more, it reduces ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol, and also controls weight gain. Based on research at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida. Accordingly, just add watermelons to your diet, which form so ever. Also drinking one cup (250 milliliters) juice of red Beets daily may well reduce blood pressure, based on iys contents of inorganic nitrate. According to research at Queen Mary University of London in UK’s capital of London. Not to overlook the benefit of 1-2 servings daily of Leafy green vegetables including, inter alia,
Because of its high content of nitrates. According to research at, inter alia, Queen Mary University in London, UK., as well. Another vegetable very beneficial for reducing blood pressure are Lentils and other pulses such as (chick)peas, peas and beans, because of their protein and fiber. Based on research at, inter alia, the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Canada. Similar the benefit of Garlic with its active main ingredient allicin not only but also for reducing high blood pressure, as it supports nitric oxide in the body to relax blood vessels. Reducing both, systolic and diastolic numbers. Not only this, used as a substitute of salt, garlic is beneficial for heart health in general. According to research at, inter alia, the University of Kashmir in Hazratbal, India. Also Cinnamon has been scientifically validated by the University of Toronto, Canada, to reduce both – systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Natural yogurt According to the American Heart Association (AHA) fermented natural (Greek type) yogurt decreases the risk of high blood pressure by 20%. At least for women. Based on probiotics, to be found also in other fermented foods like, inter alia,
Scientifically validated, inter alia, at the University School of Medicine in Boston, MA, funded by the U.S. National Dairy Council, and Griffith University in Australia. Oats Are beneficial for blood pressure control because of the fiber beta-glucan reducing not only cholesterol but also systolic and diastolic blood pressure. According to research at, inter alia, the University of Leeds in the UK. Just like Barley containing the same type of fiber. Pistachios may lower blood pressure in times of stress according to research at, inter alia, Pennsylvania State University, New York University School of Medicine, supported by the California Pistachio Commission of Fresno, CA, and the American Pistachio Growers. With almonds and other nuts offering similar effect. Not to forget about Dark chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content, consuming 1 ounce per day. According to research at, inter alia, the University of Adelaide in Adelaide, Australia. CONCLUSION High blood pressure (hypertension), affecting one out of 3 U.S. adults and leading to additional severe health issues, is not an ‘Act of God’. Instead, this seemingly ‘chronic’ ailment can be managed successfully with natural foods, as you have learned in this blog. QUESTIONS AND/OR INTEREST IN OUR SEMINARS? Just ask us DISCLAIMER All information stated in this blog are for your personal education, and not to replace the advice of your healthcare provider.
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