One of our basic nutrients for life is water. How much water is too much or still not enough? Is the magic formula “8x8” appropriate? Learn more… THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND Constance Reedl from Worcester, MA, asks: Since I was a child I learned from all angles: drink more water, drink more water! Now I hear I drink too much of it. Sounds schizophrenic. How much water is right, and how much is wrong, Doc? Dr. Fritz: We hear again and again that many of us don’t drink enough water, in order to support all cells and organs in our body properly. With dehydration as a result this can lead to quite a few health problems, not only constipation (see our last Sunday Blog). Rather, a water deficiency can also cause muscle cramps, fatigue or dizziness. However, since our natural-ecologic existence requires a balanced diet and lifestyle in general, we should not be surprised that anything too much is not less problematic than anything not enough. Drinking water being no exception. In other words, yes, drinking too much water can cause water intoxication (water poisoning) – with severe negative effects on brain functioning, just like the contrary (water deficiency). By diluting electrolytes like sodium in the blood, shifting fluids from the outside to the inside of brain cells. With potentially life-threatening outcome. In fact, this swelling of brain cells can lead to, inter alia, headaches as well as nausea and vomiting. Even worse, this fluid accumulation in the brain – called edema - can cause dysfunction of the central nervous system along with, inter alia,
Not enough, this kind of intoxication may potentially lead even to brain damage, seizures, coma – and death. SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION |
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Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories