With so called ‘fast food’ we may save time in life. Unfortunately, not our health. Because of the manifold unfavorable ingredients of this type of food. Indicated by examples of related health issues (as the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’). Just read on to learn more about. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND We certainly can’t live without nutrition. However, our modern society tries to spend least time for it, in favor of other timely responsibilities. Without giving much thought to its quality. As long as we consume the appropriate amount of calories - ? Neglecting the fact that our health and longevity is not only a matter of calories but got to be based on certain nutrients. In many cases this type of ‘fast’ food is not only short of vital nutrients like certain antioxidants, fiber, etc., but loaded with unhealthy ingredients. Such as salt, sugar, saturated fat, trans fats, processed preservatives and high amount of calories – just to indicate the proverbial tip of the iceberg. According to international medical research at, inter alia, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Iran’s capital Tehran. Unfortunately yet, the majority of our population is consuming too much of these unhealthy food components. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Service & the U.S. Department of Agriculture. MEDICAL CONSEQUENCES – SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIEDIn fact, this unhealthy nutritional part of our diet has serious short- & long-term effects for our health as follows (just to indicate some of the most important ones).
An overconsumption of salt has well an impact on blood pressure. With the potential consequence of stroke and heart attack. I.e., the high level of salt we usually find in fast food has a negative impact on the blood vessels – and blood pressure, accordingly. According to international research at, inter alia, the - University of Illinois at Chicago in Chicago, IL & - Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek in Osijek, Croatia Also, the usually high amount of trans fats in fast food has well a negative effect on cholesterol, as it raises ‘bad’ cholesterol (LDL) and cuts down ‘good’ cholesterol (HDL). Complicating heart disease even more.
Added sugar and refined carbohydrates in fast food lets blood sugar soar up to the region of diabetes. Also causing an unusual high surge of insulin, dropping blood sugar with giving us the feeling of tiredness. Based on research at, inter alia, - Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ & - Nutritional Research Foundation in Flemington, NJ
As you may know from our previous blogs and publications, inflammation stands behind each kind of disease. Unfortunately, the high amount of saturated fat we find usually in fast food, worsens this inflammation even more. Based on research at, inter alia, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences in Tehran, Iran. Along with higher degree of inflammation, this type of fast food may offer less protection for autoinflammatory diseases, infections, cancer, and allergies, etc. According to research at, inter alia, the University of Bonn in Bonn, Germany. The lack of fiber in most cases of fast food is also responsible for
such as diverticular disease, constipation and of cutting down healthy gut bacteria. Based on research at, inter alia, the University of Washington School of Medicine in Seattle, WA. In this context, we have also to see the fact that fast food is responsible for
as a consequence of its high amount of calories. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Leading to different health issues, as confirmed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The unfavorable nutritional criteria of fast food may also be responsible for asthma, eczema and rhinoconjunctivitis. According to research at, inter alia, - University of Newcastle in New Lambton, Australia & - Sichuan University in Chengdu, China
The risk of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease may well be caused, inter alia, by saturated fat and simple carbohydrates in fast food. Based on international research at, inter alia, - State University of New Jersey in New Brunswick, NJ - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil & - University of New South Wales in Kensington, Australia Not to forget that the unhealthy implications of fast foods may well be responsible also for some
like anxiety and depression. According to Binghamton University in Binghamton, NY IN A NUTSHELL With so called ‘fast food’ we may well save time for other responsibilities in our daily life. Unfortunately, not our health in physical and mental terms. Because of the manifold unfavorable ingredients of this type of food. Indicated by a sample of related health issues (as the proverbial ‘tip of the iceberg’). MEDICAL ADAGE OF THE WEEK |
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