If you have a chronic illness, most likely you are on a kind of 'synthetic' treatment which is not in line with your body's natural biologic requirements for health. Read more and learn about your way out of this vicious cycle. But take your time - health is your most precious good in life! John Swift from Kansas City, Kansas, asks: I am chronically ill and desperately waiting for a cure which, so far, none of the drugs prescribed by my healthcare provider did achieve. What can you recommend? Dr. Fritz: Historically, the U.S. is first in modern medicine development of the industrialized world, awarded with 9 out of 10 Nobel Prize laureates in this discipline: * First modern cardiologist (Dr. Paul Dudley White, personal physician of former U.S. president Eisenhower); * first open heart surgery (Dr. Michael deBakey); * first artificial heart transplant (Dr. Denton Cooley); etc. Modern Medicine TodayHowever, despite of that, modern American medicine "extended the length of poor quality life more than good-quality life" (University of South Carolina Davis School of Gerontology). That's why according to the official U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), half of American adults (117 millions) have at least one chronic illness. Of those, 2 million citizens die each year premature of chronic illness. And 50% of the surviving adult population has at least one chronic disease. Additionally, 500,000 die each year of wrong diagnoses/therapies and latrogenic (doctor-made) diseases. Based, inter alia, on the fact that only 2% of doctors are up-to-the-minute in their respective discipline. In fact, according to CDC chronic diseases require more than 80% of total healthcare expenses in the U.S., more than $310 billion alone for heart disease and stroke. The philosophy behind this vicious cycle |
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Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories