Our diet is not only a matter of wellbeing in general but of specific health issues in particular. Read on to learn about its medical impact. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND According to World Health Organization (WHO) statistics, more than 80% of non-age-related premature death and almost 80% of all health issues in general are the consequence of so called ‘chronic’ (unsolved) health issues. With cardiovascular issues on top, as the #1 case of premature death for adults in the U.S., according to governmental Centers for Disease Control and Preventon (CDC). Followed by cancer and diabetes. Plus 1800 health issues more, physically and mentally. Based on lack of healthy diet and physical exercise. NUTRITIONAL HEALTH BENEFITS – SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIEDLeaves us with the question which health issues specifically are directly related to healthy diet, i.e. nutrient-dense food, and how. Physically and mentally. Scientifically validated. T make a long story short, let us focus on four physical health issues, rounded up by one mentally in addition. Cardiovascular In fact, cardiovascular disease affects almost half of U.S. adults, according to the American Heart Association (AHA). With special reference to high blood pressure (hypertension) leading to heart attack and stroke in many cases. A risk to be reduced by 80% with regular (aerobic) exercise and – yes – healthy diet. To understand which diet may be specifically healthy in this case, look at the program Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH) as created by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). With plenty of following basic nutrition.
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