Besides lowering the risk of catching a coronavirus infection with certain lifestyle adjustments such as frequent hand washing and social distancing of 6 feet, it is decisively important to strengthen your immune system naturally. Instead of following misleading myths. Read on to learn more about. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND The longer it takes to find a vaccine and/or therapy to get rid of COVID-19, the more we are worried and anxious about. With special reference to a host of untruths, rumors, and conspiracies transferred to our awareness from social media and other sources, leading to fear and misinformation. SCIENTIFIC RATIONALIZATION While we cannot offer a solution in our blog either, we still would like to rationalize these manifold myths. Based on comprehensive international research at, inter alia, Michigan State University College of Human Medicine in Southfield, MI, the University of Queensland in Brisbane, Australia, the University of Nottingham and the University College London Hospital, both UK, the Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention in China, and the Islamic Azad University in Iran’s capital Tehran, etc. Let’s focus on a dozen myths as a selection. Menacing danger for the elderly? Basically, any virus can hit any person, regardless of age. However, seniors with a compromised immunity due to preexisting serious (‘chronic’) ailments such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, etc., are certainly ‘candidates’ for bacterial and viral infections. Coronavirus being no exception. Is coronavirus a death sentence? As indicated above, coronavirus – like any virus – can basically hit anyone without being fatal automatically. However, in cases of a debilitated immunity, this can also lead to death. Are face masks protective against coronavirus infection? Professional face masks tightly around the face are more protective than disposable ones where droplets still can reach mouth and nose. Also, tiny viral particles can penetrate disposable face masks more easily. Infection depending on duration of exposure? Although chances of infection increase with duration of exposure to somebody already infected or other lesion, there is no guarantee to be safe if exposure is less than 10 minutes. Gargling bleach for safety? Bleach as a synthetic chemical cannot support our health, which way so ever. Rather, bleach can cause health problems because of its corrosive property. Ward off coronavirus with garlic? Garlic may have the power of being anti-bacterial, however, it cannot ward off viruses. Kill coronavirus with antibiotics? Antibiotics can kill bacteria – no viruses. Is COVID-19 the deadliest virus on this planet? No. E.g., Ebola virus has a higher mortality rate. Is coronavirus seasonally caused? Unlike some false hope, there is no scientific evidence that coronavirus will stop its activity in spring because of warmer temperatures. Are children immune to coronavirus? Although COVID-19 has affected primarily seniors, this does not mean that children are immune. Rather, in both cases immunity plays a decisive role, not the age. Are hand dryers killing coronavirus? No. Only the act before drying – proper handwashing for at least 20 seconds with soap – can help to protect from the virus. Rinse your nose with saline to ward off coronavirus? So far, there is no scientific evidence that rinsing the nose with saline is fighting coronavirus successfully. IN A NUTSHELL Besides lowering the risk of catching a coronavirus infection with certain lifestyle adjustments such as frequent hand washing and social distancing of 6 feet, it is decisively important to strengthen your immune system naturally. With special reference to healthy diet and physical exercise. And yes, there may also be herbs to support your immunity. If you want to learn more what you can do personally, contact me. STAY DE-CORONA-TED! DISCLAIMER All information stated in this blog are for your personal education, and not to replace the advice of your healthcare provider.All information stated in this blog are for your personal education, and not to replace the advice of your healthcare provider.
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