Breast cancer is the most diagnosed type of cancer in women worldwide. Fortunately, there is new hope on the horizon. Just read on… THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND Mathilda McKenzie from El Paso, TX, asks: My mother died of breast cancer, my sister is diagnosed with it and in last stage. Shall I be the next victim of this seemingly ‘law of nature’ in our family history or do you, Doc, know about a way out of this vicious cycle? Dr. Fritz: Since cancer is not a natural biologic phenomenon but rather ‘man-made’, we should first talk about the causes behind. Basically, most relevant criteria for developing any kind of cancer yes or no is, besides lack of regular physical exercise, unhealthy diet. Culminating in the fact that, according to scientific validation of Washington University School of Medicine, obesity (as a consequence of unhealthy diet and lack of physical exercise) is a leading risk factor for breast cancer. This is in line with latest research at the Fielding School of Public Health at the University of California in Los Angeles (UCLA), according to which breast cancer risk is skyrocketing by 41% with inflammatory diet such as soda, refined carbohydrates, red and processed meat, and high sugar intake. Especially, if they start with their unhealthy lifestyle already in their teens and early adulthood. Similar the recent scientific findings at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, NY, according to which high consumption of cheddar, cream cheese may boost risk of breast cancer by no less but 53%. NATURE’S ANSWER SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED |
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Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories