Healthy/balanced diet is a vital prerequisite for health and longevity. In order to support our body and mind with the appropriate nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and also protein. To be found basically in nature’s kingdom of powerful plants - in whole, not as an extract. In this blog you learn about 10 examples you may want to keep in mind. To tackle disease and reduce its risk, cancer included. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND As you know, to support/regain health and reach longevity, especially 2 lifestyle factors are mandatory: besides physical exercise it is healthy diet, covering essential nutrients. Including protein with its relevance to build and also repair our body’s tissues. While animal food is the basic source of protein in our diet, there are also quite a few plant-based sources we may not want to overlook. Because of their potency in proteins – plus additional nutrients (such as vitamins and minerals, etc.) See at least a small sample in following. All… SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED |
As a leading documentation and information center New Medical Frontiers, Inc. receives a lot of questions daily. Learn about the answers in this blog "Ask The Natural Online Doctor".
Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories