Purple colored vegetables and fruits have a special polyphenol: anthocyanin. Including these in your diet is vital for your health, your well-being and longevity in general. Read on to learn about details. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND As you have learned from our medical publications and seminars, healthy diet – besides physical activity – is one of the 2 pillars our health is based on. Not only in terms of a certain amount (quantity) of diet but – even more important – a specific quality. First, to support our immune system (to strengthen our body and mind, and support energy of our existence) and second, to avoid and fight disease at all. This is especially important in relation to the fact that, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), 86% of non-age-related premature deaths and 77% of diseases on general are unsolved (chronic). With heart failure, cancer and diabetes on top. With special reference to certain nutrients the specific food needs to contain. In terms of the types of nutrients, even their color is of relevance. This is not only true – e.g. – for green leafy plants but also for purple colored fruits and vegetables (due to its content of anthocyanin). ANTHOCYANIN – THE MAGIC NUTRIENT While purple colored anthocyanin (a type of polyphenols as a biologically active agent ) is a very helpful nutrient for our health, let’s pick one disease - diabetes (as the above mentioned ‘chronic’ disease #3 in the WHO statistics). Of which almost 10% of U.S. citizens are hit, according to U.S. governmental Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). With the positive effect of purple-colored anthocyanins to cut down
and the risk of diabetes, accordingly. Based on research at, inter alia, at - Harvard School of Public Health in Boston, MA - University of Oslo in Norway’s capital and in Finland at - University of Eastern Finland in Kuopio & - University of Turku in Turku Anthocyanins also
i.e. they have a positive effect on the bacteria in the gut for better glucose metabolism. Based on research in China at, inter alia, the - University of Hong Kong & - Shanghai Clinical Center for Diabetes Additionally, anthocyanins may
according to research at, inter alia, - Silla University & - Busan National University (both in Busan, Korea) as well as - Wuhan Polytechnic University in Wuhan, China Leaving us with the question about appropriate NATURAL FOOD SOURCES CONTAINING ANTHOCYANINS to include in your health-related diet plan. Based on research at, inter alia, the University of Bucharest in Bucharest, Romania, these are, inter alia, following purple colored fruits and vegetables (in alphabetical order) containing most anthocyanins: - black beans - blackberries - black chokeberries - black currants - black elderberries - black grapes - blueberries - lingonberries - mulberries - plums - red currants - red onions - red raspberries - sour cherries - strawberries - sweet cherries Not to forget about - red wine which you know of nutritional importance from our medical publications. Inter alia, in our book 'Manage Your Heart Naturally' (ISBN: 9798809899932) with reference to the 'French paradox' on page 128. Proving purple colored anthocyanin's benefit also in terms of cardiovascular issues. This benefit of anthocyanins is especially important, as no or inappropriate treatment of diabetes may cause even more debilitating diseases such as, inter alia,
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