Heart failure is the #1 chronic disease in our industrialized society, manifold related to premature death. Fortunately, as scientifically verified in the U.S. and internationally, Mediterranean diet may well show the way out of this vicious cycle. Read on to learn about details. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHINDThe U.S. is definitely foremost in technical cardiovascular medicine worldwide. With, inter alia,
Despite of that, according to statistics of the World Health Organization 86% of non-age-related deaths and 77% of all ailments combined are the consequence of debilitating and unsolved (‘chronic’) health issues – with heart failure on top of this statistics. As confirmed also by the U.S. governmental Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In real terms: almost 7 million adult U.S. citizens suffer from heart failure, with half of those expecting premature death. The realty behind: the existence of our planet the Earth is a biologic-ecologic phenomenon. So are all all living species on it – man no exception. Accordingly, only our own body can avoid and cure any disease, provided we support our body with the appropriate – natural – food and remedies. Heart failure being no exception. HEART HEALTHY FOOD – SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED |
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