If you enjoy life - as most of us do - you may want to extend it as far as possible. While there is no drug on prescription or OTC to support this hope, natural medicine research has found a way to help you with. Read on to learn about the new wonder food. Johnny Calvin from Hanover, NH, asks: The pharmaceutical industry has achieved quite some success when it comes to treatment of 'modern' ailments. Do you know about a kind of preventive drug to extend life beyond the benchmark of 80 years? Dr. Fritz: As you may have learned from my blogs and otherwise, big pharma can only suppress symptoms of health problems, accompanied by manifold debilitating side effects, but it cannot cure any disease with its patented synthetics. Same is with longevity. There is no synthetic pill on the market to live up to a centenarian or even beyond. The only thing to guarantee a long and healthy life is a healthy diet and appropriate aerobic physical activity. Wonder Food Whole Grain There are too many naturals to extend a healthy life, in order to be mentioned in this brief blog. Culminating in Mediterranean Diet with, inter alia, fruits, vegetables, olive oil – and whole grain, etc.
Only recently, Harvard University research has found, scientifically validated also by Mayo Clinic, that (non-refined!) whole grain indeed can extend your life span. Based on a meta-analysis using data from more than 780,000 individuals between 1970 and 2010. According to this analysis, for just 48 grams of whole grain consumption per day, there were 20% less risk of mortality (25% of heart disease and 14% of cancer). Also, the higher fiber content of ‘whole’ grain may cut down cholesterol and glucose - both potential death risks. What exactly is whole grain? According to the Whole Grains Council in Boston, MA, whole grains include, inter alia, rye, barley, wheat, rice, quinoa, etc. But what makes it so important is its natural components, such as complex carbohydrates and a whole inventory of vitamins and minerals, including magnesium, potassium, and selenium. Additionally, they are short in fat.
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