Medicinal herbs are most powerful for our health and longevity. Regrettably, our 'modern' society falls short in embracing their potential. To break free from this cycle, see powerful examples of medicinal herbs in this chapter. Scientifically verified. According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 90% of non-age-related premature deaths and almost 80% of all diseases in general are unsolved (‘chronic’). That’s why – inter alia – U.S. Navy has recently declared a new (official) mission named Alternative Medicine. Since veterans can’t solve their PTSD, and active military can’t solve their activity-related health issuers with conventional (‘modern’) medicine either. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND Conventional synthetic medicine can only suppress symptoms of disease, but don’t cure it. Along with manifold side effects leading to new additional disease. In fact, as you have learned latest from our seminar ‘Health from the Bible’, our planet, the Earth, is a biologic-ecologic phenomenon, strictly based on natural laws. Accordingly, only our own body with its inherent immune system and self-healing power can support and regain our health. Based on natural remedies – with special reference to medicinal herbs. Unfortunate yet, when the international medical journal ‘Drugs and Therapeutics Bulletin’ launched a survey to 75,000 doctors and pharmacists in the industrialized world about their competence in medicinal herbs – 97% answered negative. Despite of almost unlimited MEDICINAL HERBS – SCIETIFICALLY VERIFIED Just let’s pick a quarter of a dozen of relevant health issues of our modern days, and powerful herbal answers.
According to
German chamomile extract per day is recommended 8 weeks long to cut down the symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Also, inhalation or application on the skin of Lavender & peppermint oil is recommended by the
Another chance to manage anxiety and stress may be Lemon balm |
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