Men and women in service are doing a sacrificing and brave job for our country all over the world. Sometimes not only losing their lives but in many cases coming home as veterans without finding an answer to their health problems developed in service. With special reference to PTSD. But yes – there are (natural) answers for self-management. Learn more about … THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND John McGuire, veteran at Fort Bliss, Texas, asks: Like many of my veteran colleagues, I came back from service in Vietnam with post-traumatic stress disorder which so far, could not be solved conventionally. Do you know about a natural answer, Doc? Dr. Fritz: It is Army Col. Richard Petri, chief of physical medicine and integrative health services at the navy base in Fort Bliss, Texas, whom I owe deep respect - especially as a doctor. Because Col. Petri has understood that seemingly ‘modern’ medicine with lots of synthetic drugs and technical modalities is not the final answer for veteran’s needs suffering from service-related ailments with special reference to post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD). Just as Col. Petri put it straight: "If we don't change our practices, health care in the military will bankrupt the military." Therefore - "Navy's new mission: Alternative Medicine" (San Diego Union-Tribune, 12/29/16). SCIENTIFIC FINDINGS TO TACKLE PTSD NATURALLY Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a serious psychiatric anxiety disorder as the reaction to a trauma with distressing experiences like, inter alia, violence, physical assault or accidents, etc. With many symptoms related to, such as alterations in mood and cognition, nightmares, crippling headache, lack of sleep or arbitrariness. Only too often accompanied by flashbacks of the traumatic events, impacting overall life. Following the recommendation by Col. Petri at Ft. Bliss, to find a successful way in alternative medicine for self-management of this vicious cycle, we shall look beyond the fence into nature's kingdom. According to research at the renowned Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, MD, Art Therapy may well support PTSD natural self-management by helping to externalize emotions through paintings, sculptures, etc. Another form of PTSD self-management has been researched at McMaster University in Hamilton, and scientifically validated at Western University, both in Ontario/Canada: Mindfulness Meditations which may help with special reference to mindfulness-based stress reduction and mindfulness-based cognitive therapy. Running can also reduce stress and related symptoms. Aromatherapy with relaxing aromatic oils (sense of smell) such as, inter alia, lavender, orange, peppermint and sage, etc. Finally, life with Pets is considered a helpful natural support for PTSD self-management based on research at, inter alia, the University of California in Davis, Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, and the University of Torino in Italy. With respect to the understanding that your loving pet reminds you that you are surrounded by love - no more danger for life. QUESTIONS? If you are a Veteran suffering from PTSD or any other service-related unsolved ailment, get a free initial consultation from WWW.NEWMEDICALFRONTIERS.COM |
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Dr. Mark Fritz, NMD, PhD Categories