While some environmental impacts are well a cause behind cancer, we may not want to overlook some equally important dietary factors leading to the same negative result. Scientifically verified. Read on to learn more about. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHINDExactly half a century ago (1971) U.S. President Nixon declared the War on Cancer. Still – 86% of non-age-related deaths and 77% of all ailments in general are the consequence of ‘chronic’ (unsolved) diseases, with cancer topping #2, just behind heart failure. According to the global statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), and on its way to #1, according to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France (as part of the World Health Organization). While causes behind cancer’s incidence are manifold, with special reference to environmental problems, diet plays a decisive role in this context as well. Not only according to the National Cancer Institute of the U.S. National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. But also based on international research at, inter alia, the - University of Oxford in Oxford, UK - University of Auckland in Auckland, New Zealand - Imperial College London in London, UK - University of Ioannina in Ioannina, Greece - National Cancer Center in Tokyo, Japan FOODS INCREASING CANCER RISK – SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIEDUltra-processed foodsThe problem behind this type of food in relation to cancer’s incidence are ingredients like - high-fructose corn syrup - artificial sweeteners - thickeners - flavor enhancers Resulting from the industrial processing of certain foods (and beverages) – especially those of so called Western diet - like - Breakfast cereals - Ultra-processed savory and sweet snack foods - Candy - Frozen pizzas - Soda/energy drinks which are abundant in added sugar and salt, but insufficient in protective nutrients like vitamins, minerals and fiber. Not only this. In these ultra-processed foods we also find carcinogenic compounds as a result of processing procedure and packaging. Based on international research at, inter alia, - Paris 13 University in Bobigny, France & - University of Sao Paulo in Sao Paulo, Brazil In numbers: based on aforementioned research, ultra-processed food may well enhance risk of cancer by more than 10%. In this context, let’s focus also on * Red processed red meats as being carcinogenic in particular. With special reference to - colorectal cancer - stomach cancer & - breast cancer According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France (as part of the World Health Organization). Scientifically verified, inter alia, at - Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston, MA As well as in South Korea at - Seoul National University in Seoul - Kangwon National University in Gangwon-do & - Dongguk University in Goyang Not to overlook also High-salt- dietswith special reference to stomach and esophageal cancer, as these high-salt-diets may enhance infection. Based on research at, inter alia, - Brown University & - Rhode Island Hospital both in Providence, RI Scientifically verified also by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Scalding beveragesmay not be forgotten to be cancerous as well. Verified also by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), and according to research at Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, China. With special reference to hot beverages with temperatures over 149 F/65 C. IN A NUTSHELLWhile some environmental impacts are well a cause behind cancer, we may not want to overlook some equally important dietary factors leading to the same negative result. Scientifically verified. HAVE AN UNSOLVED HEALTH PROBLEM?For more blogs go to |
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