Appropriate diet, besides physical exercise, is one of the vital pillars our health and body weight is resting on. In terms of certain nutrients we find in specific foods. Read on to learn more about. Scientifically verified. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHINDAAlthough the U.S. is spending most for conventional medicine per capita worldwide, some 80% of health issues and non-age-related deaths are primarily the consequence of unnatural lifestyle. With two thirds of the adult population being overweight and half of those obese, as one of the leading causes behind. Based on the fact that our body is a strongly interrelated and complex biologic-ecologic phenomenon. In line with laws of nature. That’s why body weight has a considerable impact on our health. However, unlike manifold assumptions, losing weight is primarily not an issue of food quantity. Since cutting calories may not only give the feeling of hunger and deprivation, reducing food consumption may also have a negative impact on our health in general. What really counts in this case, is the quality of certain nutrients found in specific foods we need for our health and, to be sure, for regulating our weight at the same time. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has listed these basic nutrients as follows.
and - B (with special reference to B-1 Thiamin/B-2 Riboflavin/B-3 Niacin/B-12 Cobalamin) Also
- magnesium - calcium - zinc and - iron
With special reference to omega-3e fatty acids and monounsaturated fat. Relevant for, inter alia, heart health and hormone regulation. And
As the non-digestible constituents of carbohydrates, to be found in - fruits - vegetables - whole grains Not only giving us a feeling of fulness but also helping with, inter alia, bowel regulation and cholesterol management. Finally
I.e. those pigments giving fruits and vegetables their specific color. Leaves us with the question in which… TYPES OF FOODS – SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIED |
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