This sample of 10 vegetables is just the tip of the iceberg of nature’s almost unlimited portfolio of highly potent phytonutrients for our health. Easy to follow, and economic. Above all - scientifically validated. Just read on to learn more about. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND Healthy/balanced diet, besides physical exercise, is one of the corner pillars of our natural health. Phytonutrients being the center part. With special reference to herbs, fruit and vegetables. SCIENTIFIC VALIDATION In following you may learn about and excerpt of nature’s portfolio of most powerful vegetables your body may not want to miss or be deficient for your health. Based on scientific research and validation at, inter alia, * University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, MI.
Let’s start with Spinach Spinach as a green-leafy vegetable is a great source of essential vitamins and minerals. With special reference to, inter alia,
Not to overlook the so-called cruciferous vegetables – the so called ‘cabbage family – with cabbage, cauliflower, kale and broccoli. With special reference to their inherent most powerful compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C) as a most potent cancer fighter. Based on its inherent substance sulforaphane. Cauliflower is not only rich in vitamins C & K but its high fiber content supports heart and gut health, scaling down obesity and digestive problems. With its compound I3C fighting cancer specifically of the breast and the reproductive system. Kale e.g., is a powerful source of vitamins A/C/K especially to increase ‘good’ (HDL) cholesterol by almost 30% and decrease ‘bad’ (LDL) cholesterol by 10%. And also to reduce blood pressure and blood sugar (diabetes). And the substance indole-3-carbinol (I3C) to be found in cruciferous vegetables also is a cancer fighter. Just like the natural substance sulforaphane which is also found in Broccoli as a member of the ‘cabbage family’ as well, with special reference to fighting breast cancer with its inherent compound indole-3-carbinol (I3C). Carrots with their high vitamin A content in form of beta-carotene, are not only beneficial for eyesight and to avoid even vision loss. Based on research at, inter alia, Sheffield Hallam University in Sheffield, UK, carrot juice may even inhibit and kill leukemia cells, especially when eaten raw. Also allium vegetables may fight successfully against cancer with their sulfur compound, like Onions With special reference to stomach/prostate/esophageal cancer, according to the U.S. National Cancer Institute in Bethesda, MD. Same is with other sulfur containing allium vegetables like Garlic as a natural antibiotic with its natural compound diallyl sulfide. Based on research at, inter alia, of the U.S. National Cancer Institute as well, and the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, both in Bethesda, MD. Beets are a specifically heart-healthy veggy because of its high content of nitrates lowering blood pressure. Also being potent for fighting diabetes-related nerve problems (neuropathy). According to research at, inter alia, Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia. In this context, we should also mention Tomatoes for cancer prevention with its inherent compounds lycopene and beta-carotene, with special reference to prostate cancer. Not only this, the inherent substances on lutein and zeaxanthin in tomatoes may even avoid vision loss and macular degeneration. According to research at, inter alia, the University of California in San Francisco, Dana-Faber Cancer Institute in Boston, MA, Brigham & Women’s Hospital in Boston, MA, and Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden. Alfa Sprouts with its natural compounds of, inter alia, flavonoids, phytoestrogens and saponins have been identified by research to reduce inflammation, kidney problems and arthritis, etc. According to, inter alia, Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology in Punjab, India. IN A NUTSHELL This sample of 10 vegetables may just round up nature’s almost unlimited portfolio of highly potent phytonutrients for our health. Easy to follow, and economic. Above all - scientifically validated.
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