Healthy diet is a basic pillar of our existence. Especially, if it is embedded in an equally healthy lifestyle pattern, as we have focused on in this blog. Scientifically verified. Read on to learn more about. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND Needless to stress that nutrition is part of our health and existence at all. In terms of quantity and quality. Unfortunately yet, many of us do not match the biologic requirements of both. Leading to manifold – even debilitating – diseases and premature death. Just look at the statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), according to which 86% of non-age related premature death and 77% of all diseases in general are the consequence of unsolved health issues, at least in the industrialized countries. With special reference to unhealthy diet. The U.S. being no exception. HEALTH-RELATED FACTORS – SCIENTIFICALLY VERIFIED However, additionally to biologically appropriate nutrition, as we have covered quite a few times in our publications, our diet got to be embedded in an equally healthy lifestyle in general. This leaves us with the question which lifestyle factors shall be considered in this context. Regular meal times Besides of what we eat, the timely rhythm when we do so, is also of relevance for our health. According to research at the University of Nottingham in Nottingham, UK, 6 regular meal times have not only a positive effect on our appetite and weight management but also on our metabolism in general. Other than 3 to 9 irregular meal times. Picking healthy dietNeedless to stress that our diet got to be healthy in lined with our biologic requirements. Since we have covered a whole portfolio about healthy food, just let us pick one special: apples. Apples? You may know the saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’. Because of its powerful antioxidants such as quercetin which, inter alia, is
Also it is
As well as
Not to forget about apple’s power to
- Harvard School of Public Health & Harvard Medical School in Boston, MA - University of Cambridge in Cambridge, UK - National University of Singapore Finally
Verified also by - Southeast University in Nanjing, China & - Technical University in Munich, Germany Exercising To exercise is releasing, inter alia, naturally so called ‘feel good’ chemicals in our brain regulating appetite and avoiding stress and anxiety – avoiding overeating, accordingly. Based on research at, inter alia, - Abant Izzel Bay Sal University in Bolu, Turkey - Lehman College in West Bronx, NY - University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX & - Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul in Porto Alegre, Brazil Similar the situation when Get outsideAt least once a day, preferably surrounded by nature, which is usually improving our mood. With the benefit of not to overeat. Based on research at Loyola University Chicago in Chicago, IL Stay hydrated Staying hydrated during the day with plenty of drinking water already before meal may avoid overeating as well. Based on research at, inter alia, Jeonju University in Jeonju, South Korea. IN A NUTSHELL Healthy diet is a basic pillar of our existence. Especially, if it is embedded in an equally healthy lifestyle pattern, as we have focused on in this blog. Scientifically verified. HAVE ANOTHER UNSOLVED HEALTH PROBLEM?For more blogs go to |
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