According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most non-age-related deaths and ailments in general, are the consequence of conventionally unsolved disease. With heart failure on top of the list – caused primarily by high blood pressure. To tackle this vicious cycle naturally, limit certain foods, scientifically verified. Read on to learn more about. THE PHILOSOPHY BEHIND As you have learned from our previous blogs, more than 80% of non-age-related deaths and more than three quarters of all ailments in general, are the consequence of unsolved disease. According to the World Health Organization (WHO). With heart failure on top of the list – caused primarily by high blood pressure. In fact, based on findings of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost half of adults in this country are suffering from hypertension which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. While there are different natural remedies and modalities to tackle this vicious cycle, it is equally important to… LIMIT CERTAIN FOODS – SCIENTIFICALLY VALIDATED …for better control of high blood pressure. Inter alia… Sodium-rich foods According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) we should limit daily sodium consumption with no more than 2,3 milligrams. Unfortunately, this is highly surpassed in many cases of processed/fast foods like
Also Red meat of different kinds may well increase high blood pressure. Not only
Saturated fatsAlthough not completely prohibited, in order to lower high blood pressure, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends to consume no more than 6% of calories per day from saturated fats derived from, inter alia,
Sugary drinks These drinks may intensify high blood pressure. Especially if they contain high fructose corn syrup or caffeine like some sodas and fruit juices. Caffeine may raise blood pressure considerably at least temporarily. Based on research at, inter alia,
Similar the situation (and partly worse than in cases of sodium-rich foods) with Sugary foods according to same research. With special reference to high fructose corn syrup. Including, inter alia,
HOWEVER… …to limit certain nutrition does not mean to abdicate some delicious food. Rather, to replace it by other delicious – but blood-pressure-friendly – nutrition, as recommended inter alia by the U.S. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute as an example:
To learn more about blood-pressure-friendly delicious foods, read one of our previous blogs: Cut Blood Pressure with Nutrition? IN A NUTSHELL According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 80% of non-age-related deaths and more than three quarters of all ailments in general, are the consequence of conventionally unsolved disease. With heart failure on top of the list – caused primarily by high blood pressure. To tackle this vicious cycle naturally, limit certain foods, as recommended, scientifically verified. HAVE AN UNSOLVED HEALTH PROBLEM?For more blogs go to |
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